Tips To Avoid A Claim On Your Leisure Home Insurance

This article gives you some tips on how to avoid a claim on your leisure home insurance. However, if you do need to make a claim on your insurance cover with My Holiday Home Insurance you can be sure it will be handled swiftly and fairly by one of our award-winning team.

Autumn Maintenance Jobs Around Your Leisure Home

Autumn maintenance jobs may need to be done as the nights are drawing in and the weather turns colder, windier and wetter. At this time of year, your leisure home could benefit from some essential maintenance checks.

Dealing With Insects In Your Leisure Home

Dealing with insects in your leisure home can be an issue in the late summer, especially with the heat we are experiencing in the UK. This guide is designed to help you to deal with insects in your leisure home.

Fire Safety In Your Leisure Home This Summer

It’s a good time to brush up on fire safety in your leisure home this summer, especially as the hot, dry weather is bringing us all out to enjoy the rays. We have compiled some of the top tips from the UK government and the fire service as a reminder, which we hope will keep you a little safer this summer.

Safety Tips For Barbecuing This Summer

Taking into account the extreme hot weather conditions we have been experiencing, grass surrounding holiday homes, static caravans, lodges and leisure homes will be extremely dry and the tiniest of spark can easily cause a significant fire.

Maintaining the Hard Landscaping in your Garden

Spring is the ideal time for maintaining the hard landscaping in your garden.

Ten Tips for Spring Garden Maintenance

You may be starting to plan for blue skies and long sunny days sitting in the garden, taking in the view. We have compiled a few spring gardening tips that we hope will help you to get the garden of your leisure home in shape.

Leisure Home Insurance – Buyers Guide

Owning your own leisure home and having a tranquil retreat away from the normal everyday life, sounds like a tempting idea for a lot of people. Not only are leisure homes more affordable and stylish then ever, the costs are often significantly lower than buying a bricks and mortar home in the same location.

FCA Pricing Practices Reviewed To Protect Holiday Home Owners

What Pricing practices have been reviewed? What are the new rules? What do I need to look out for? These questions are answered in this article.

Adding Value To Your Holiday Home

As peak season ends, it is a good time to think about adding value to your holiday home, which will make your home stand out in a competitive market. A beautiful, well presented holiday home is, of course, a great start.